Ben & Amanda
Five things to love about Ben and Amanda’s Mudbrick wedding.
1. Gold, gold and more gold. When we asked Ben and Amanda what they loved about our style of wedding photography and what they imagined their wedding photos being like – this was their answer:
“Our eye was initially caught by the low light photos, with the Autumnal colours, dry long whispy grasses. We really like photographs during sun set. Photos with the sun shining through the trees look really cool!”
Gotta say – I think we nailed the brief!
2. The party dress. For those with a discerning eye – you’ll notice a quick outfit change towards the end of the evening meant Amanda was able to fully commit to the evening party in a shorter dress.
3. The adventure bride! We found a gorgeous spot with a grove of trees in the background. Remembering Amanda and Ben had mentioned they like the “sun shining through the trees” look – we set up camp here for a bit. As we were wrapping up Amanda says to me “can be go IN the forest?” Ummm yes!
Gotta love when our couples fully commit and aren’t afraid of a little off roading!
4. Getting ready together, but separate. One of the coolest things about having a Mudbrick wedding up at the lodge, is that there are two completely separate wings that each of you can get ready in. There’s something cool about building the anticipation of seeing each other by knowing they’re just around the corner!
Plus there’s the total logistical bonus of everyone already being on site and ready to go. No worrying about dodgy Waiheke rental cars or taxi’s holding up the day.
Bonus number three is it makes it much easier if you’re considering just having one photographer as we can bounce between you guys without any travel time.
5. The perfect Waiheke sunset. Mudbrick really does have the best sunset views on the island and for those lucky enough to nail the timing – there’s nothing better!
Team Shoutout:
Wedding Venue: Mudbrick Vineyard & Restaurant
Auckland Wedding Photographers: Perspectives Photo + Cinema
Wedding Celebrant: Helen Oakes
If you have found your way here because you’re planning your own Mudbrick wedding – you can check out more of our Waiheke weddings here.