Yong Le + Yinny
Wellington Wedding Videography
Filmed by Jared and Jay
Halfway through the wedding, Yong Le let us into a little secret of his. Something, not even his wife knew about. Something that would fundamentally change the way she saw him from that day onwards.
So at the beginning of his speech, Yong Le decided he’d perform a little “magic trick”. Now this “magic” of his had turned to literal shit in the past, but he figured was worth another shot. So after the passionate protest against his “disappearing act” by the majority of his guests, Yong Le figured it was time to cut off the luscious long dreadlocks he’d had for a very long time!
But despite the surprise disappearing act, Yong Le and Yinny had been planning this day for quite some time. It was on the (12)th month and (22)nd day of December two years earlier that Yong Le proposed to Yinny by asking “Do you 12-22 marry me? She didn’t quite say yes, but a “me 2” was enough to get them to this day where Yong Le finally got an “I do” out of his bride as the sunset over the Wellington harbour!
All in all, it was an absolutely stunning day all round. And although Pencarrow Lodge was well worth the drive and a lovely place to marry, for me, it was the humanity and life that was on display that really made the wedding so beautiful. And that is what this film represents more than anything else. It’s a celebration of humanity, love and life that we all hold dear, told through the journey of Yong Le and Yinny on their quite crazy, magical, and surprising wedding day!
Thanks so much for checking out Yong Le and Yinny’s wedding film! If you’re keen for a little more, here’s some more Wellington Wedding Videography that has a story of its own too!
Till next time, Jared and Jay
PS: If you’re planning your wedding and you stumbled upon this page… don’t wait till a week out from your wedding day before you think of this.  Click this link, and have a read now!!  What Your Photographer Can’t Capture… And Brides Almost Always Regret. It’s food for thought anyway. 🙂