Josh + Michaela
Tara Iti Wedding
Filmed by Jared
It’s not often that you get to video a wedding at one of New Zealand’s most exclusive Golf Courses, Tara Iti. So it was quite cool to drive thought the big front gates and check it out for myself!
Unfortunately, Tara Iti didn’t quite play ball with the weather on this one and it rained off and on all day, but luckily the weather held off for the ceremony (just) and Josh and Michaela were able to have it outdoors as planned.
All in all, it was an amazing wedding though and a great pick for a place to get married! Here’s Josh and Michaela’s little film I shot for them. I hope you like it!
Vendor Shoutout:
Wedding Ceremony and Reception – Tara Iti Golf Course
Wedding Videographer – Perspectives Photo + Cinema
Wedding Photographer – Nordica
Wedding Planner – Wildernest
Wedding Celebrant – Yogamani
Wedding Band – Pat For President
Thanks for checking out Josh and Michaela’s film. That Tari Iti Wedding Venue is a cracker huh?! You’re welcome to follow us too. We’re on Facebook here and regular updates on Instagram too!
Cheers, Jared.
PS: If you’re planning your wedding and you stumbled upon this page… don’t wait till a week out from your wedding day before you think of this. Click this link, and have a read now!! What Your Photographer Can’t Capture… And Brides Almost Always Regret. It’s food for thought anyway. 🙂